Do You Know the Way to San Jose (and the Annual Conference)?
Marsha Chan

Plans for CATESOL’s 50th Annual Conference, “Honoring the Past and Inspiring the Future,” are underway! The Annual Conference will take place from October 3 to 6 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. Please take a look at the CATESOL Annual Conference website for...

Plans for CATESOL’s 50th Annual Conference, “Honoring the Past and Inspiring the Future,” are underway! The Annual Conference will take place from October 3 to 6 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. Please take a look at the CATESOL Annual Conference website for up-to-date conference information: On the website, you'll find:
- A link to submit a proposal to present (and the deadline is Friday, May 31): Submit a proposal!
- Registration rates – the Super-Saver registration rates end on Wednesday, May 15, but you still have two more chances to pay a reduced conference rate: Register here!
- Hotel information – we have information on and rates for three hotels next to the Convention Center: See information here!
- Information about a special pre-conference institute on advocacy, learning how to advocate for your students and programs at both the state and federal levels: More information on advocacy
- Ways to secure funding to attend – Awards are available at different levels: See information on awards and a "Make the Case" letter can be presented to your employer to support your attendance at the conference.
And, CATESOL is still in the midst of a spring membership drive - become a member and pay the reduced member conference rate! More information on the membership drive that ends on May 31 is on the CATESOL website:
Reach out and let your friends and colleagues know about CATESOL and this momentous event. Again, important dates to remember at the moment:
- May 15 – Super-Saver registration rates end
- May 31 – Deadline to submit an Annual Conference proposal
- May 31 – Last day of the CATESOL spring membership drive
Any questions? Contact our Annual Conference Co-Chairs, Judy O’Loughlin and Sydney Rice
Thank you and we will see you in San Jose!