Teachers of Pronunciation are TOPs! - Report from the Annual Conference 2018
Marsha Chan
The Teaching of Pronunciation Interest Group (TOP-IG or TOP) is for teachers, tutors, and future teachers of all levels of experience teaching or researching pronunciation instruction, who teach or wish to teach students at any level to speak and understand oral English...
The Teaching of Pronunciation Interest Group (TOP-IG or TOP) is for teachers, tutors, and future teachers of all levels of experience teaching or researching pronunciation instruction, who teach or wish to teach students at any level to speak and understand oral English more successfully.
The CATESOL Annual conference showed evidence that many teachers are interested in the teaching and learning of pronunciation. Sessions focusing on pronunciation, both research-based and practice-based, attracted tens, twenties and thirties of attendees, including teachers of K-12, adult, college, university; public and private; graduate students; administrators; and tutors.
The online schedule, http://catesol2018.sched.com, accessible on computers and on the free mobile app, still displays the whole conference schedule. To look for handouts, click on a presentation of interest, and you may find documents uploaded to the site by the presenters.

On Friday right after the Board-sponsored TOP session that my co-coordinator, Jeff Mattison, and I gave on "Four Quick Ways to Integrate Pronunciation into K-12 ELD Instruction" (which attracted more non-K-12 teachers than K-12!), we led the annual TOP-IG business and networking meeting. Creating a more casual setting, we sat in a circle, munched on nutritious snacks, and current and new TOP members introduced ourselves. Jeff shared a report on the accomplishments of our interest group in the past academic year.
We thanked Jeff for his leadership this past year and introduced the incoming TOP Co-coordinator 2018-19, Ellen Lange (UC Davis, emerita, and CATESOL President in 2013 when TOP-IG was approved), who kindly stepped in at the last minute when Kerri McCanna’s recent job change required her to relinquish the role. By acclamation, we elected newcomer Jaydene Elvin, CSU Fresno, as the Assistant Co-coordinator 2018-19. [photo]
We recommended that everyone to check that their CATESOL membership is up to date. I promised to add newcomers to the TOP Google Group and encouraged Facebook members to search for and join our CATESOL TOP group. CATESOL will move from Google Groups to MemberLeap in the coming year. You will hear more about that in 2019. In the meanwhile, we welcome all group members to post questions, comments, opinions, announcements, controversies, comics related to teaching and learning pronunciation.
I am continuing to serve as TOP Co-coordinator, in addition to having assumed my role as newly-elected Interest Group Assistant Chair on the CATESOL Board of Directors.