I loved the CATESOL 2018 Conference!
Marsha Chan
At this year's conference, I learned and appreciated many wonderful new ideas, teaching strategies, practical classroom activities, and cool tech tools. I am also grateful that CATESOL provided me the chance to promote my topic on gamification and game-based learning t...

At this year's conference, I learned and appreciated many wonderful new ideas, teaching strategies, practical classroom activities, and cool tech tools. I am also grateful that CATESOL provided me the chance to promote my topic on gamification and game-based learning to a wider audience. Moreover, I was able to find and network with many like-minded educators in this conference.
I am especially appreciative for the opportunities to connect with others, in particular, with some amazing people from the CATESOL TELL-IG (Technology Enhanced Language Learning Interest Group). The people from TELL-IG are inspiring educators as well as tech gurus! Of course, I joined this super cool squad, and I cannot wait to contribute to this group and CATESOL in the near future. I encourage you to join some interest groups as well to keep yourself surrounded by people that share the same passions as you.
If you have not started using the ideas and tools that you learned from the conference yet, I encourage you to start now! I truly believe John Dewey's "learning by doing" theory.
Do you remember what idea(s) excited you during the conference? We just need to start with recalling one - only one. Go look into the presenters' ppts or your notes, download that app, open that website, incorporate that cool classroom activity that you loved in your next lesson plan, and transform yourself and others by what you have learned.
Thank you CATESOL, for letting me be passionate about what I do as a language educator. Thank you for all the outstanding speakers and conference participants, I am inspired to become a better teacher and a better researcher because of you.
I look forward to seeing you all soon in CATESOL 2019!