Create a Meaningful Class through Artificial Intelligent Tools
Marsha Chan

I am a graduate student in TESOL program of Pepperdine University and I had the opportunity to attend the CATESOL 2018 Annual Conference. I am glad that I went because I learned a lot about language-teaching methods, designing activities that foster community in the cl...

I am a graduate student in TESOL program of Pepperdine University and I had the opportunity to attend the CATESOL 2018 Annual Conference. I am glad that I went because I learned a lot about language-teaching methods, designing activities that foster community in the classroom, for example, learning tenses through a clock, reading in pairs by sitting side by side and whispering to each other, and writing in an academic way through academic reading. The session which attracted me deeply was the Sunday session of creating a compelling and meaningful classroom time using social media and tech tools.
Nowadays, some of us use some intelligent tools to create a smart and convenient home, such as Amazon Echo, Google Smart home speaker, etc. In one session, the presenter showed us how to apply the artificial intelligent tools to our classroom to create a lively and efficient class. For instance, the presenter demonstrated how Alexa could build a virtual scene to improve students’ listening skills involving some physical activities. By uploading some programs, Alexa could give a series of orders to guide the students to complete various tasks, such as open the door, turn left, walk straight for five feet, which makes learning enjoyable and engaging.
I have Amazon Echo in my home to help turn on the light, play some music, broadcast some real-time news, but I never thought of using it in my future classroom before attending this session. This session inspired me to do something out-of-the box in my language classroom by using artificial intelligent tools. Besides, the presenter mentioned Google Application Programming Interfaces which might be used daily, such as translating speech to text. All of these are great resources and recommendations about creating a compelling and meaningful classroom through smart tools.
Perhaps the best part about the conference was I could also share my thoughts and exchange ideas with professionals who have the same interests as me. It was a precious opportunity to learn academic knowledge, as well as engaging in the professional academic circle.