Why is the 2018 CATESOL Annual Conference in December this year?
Julius Pañares

By Judith O’Loughlin, CATESOL Conference Services Advisor
Each year the CATESOL Annual Conference is generally scheduled for October or November before Thanksgiving. Contracts with hotels and conference centers are planned up to three years in advance and dates are set...

By Judith O’Loughlin, CATESOL Conference Services Advisor
Each year the CATESOL Annual Conference is generally scheduled for October or November before Thanksgiving. Contracts with hotels and conference centers are planned up to three years in advance and dates are set for one of several dates available in those two months. This year, however, we had to reschedule for the first weekend in December based on a specific request from the Hilton Anaheim’s Senior Event Manager.
Before explaining more, let me back up a bit. As Conference Services Advisor to CATESOL I work with a liaison from Experient (our hotel and convention center contractor, to choose locations, hotel and conference center venues that meet the needs of our membership. Before finalizing any contract, I actually go to visit new locations, in which we have never had a conference, or haven’t had a conference in a great number of years. I look at all aspects of the location, hotel rooms, breakout rooms, large function rooms, and how to get to the location (e.g planes, trains, and automobiles), including how to move throughout the venue between presentations, to receptions, to hotel rooms. I check on the availability of internet in the hotel rooms and common areas and even try out the internet when visiting the site.
Our overall needs, for example, are:
- 12,000 - 15,000 square feet for the exhibits. with breakfast in a pre-function area of or near the Exhibit space
- 5500 square feet for the plenaries. receptions, and President's Luncheon
- 25 breakouts - 10 session times and up to 25 breakout rooms
We also need enough hotel rooms to accommodate 825 hotel nights for our members, presenters, guests, and our A/V company workers, Exhibit Decorator, etc.
So, when Experient, our contracting company, and I review all aspects of a contract to ensure that our members will get the most for their money in terms of professional development and hotel stays. We look at savings for CATESOL and for participants in terms of Food and Beverage, Internet for presentations, best available room rates, etc.
Hilton Anaheim asked us if we would be willing to move from our October dates to the first weekend in December because they also had a huge company conference (more than 5 times the size of our annual attendance) coming in the same weekend as our conference and our conference would significantly suffer from crowded hallways, ballroom level, etc. So, to help us make that decision, Hilton Anaheim offered the following to CATESOL:
- $10,000 rebate on the master account for the conference.
- All hotel room nights at $169 per night per room.
- Complimentary high-speed internet in all hotel rooms.
- 50% discount for onsite parking, should you be driving to the hotel. Please remember to book your room! The discount on rooms is significant and we need to fill 825 room nights or we get charged for those we don't fill.
- A gift certificate for one night in the hotel and 4 tickets to Disneyland, to be raffled off on Saturday night. This gift certificate is in addition to the gift certificate we were offered and raffled off last year in Santa Clara.
- Complimentary access to the fitness and health center.
The entire CATESOL Annual Conference Team is looking forward to welcoming you the 2018 CATESOL Annual Conference “Oceans of Opportunity: Inspiration, Innovation, and Integration in a Sea of Change.” (
http://www.catesolannualconference.org) Come and join us at the Hilton Anaheim!
The Hilton Anaheim and surrounding area will be beautifully decorated for the holidays. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend learning, networking, meeting colleagues and making new friends.
We look forward to meeting, greeting, and sharing wonderful experiences with you, from December 6 with the TESOL President, Dr. Luciana de Oliviera’s Opening Plenary and President’s Opening Reception through to Sunday, December 9 with the free Sunday workshops to all conference attendees.