2022 Spring Conference Program Descriptions

On this page you will find the session times, titles and descriptions, as well as the presenter names, photos, and bios.

Be sure to log into the Conference Center at 9:45, using the link sent to you in your confirmation email message. It is there that you will find the link to the Zoom room of each session that you wish to attend.

The CATESOL Spring Conference gives us an opportunity to take a deeper dive into topics affecting our organization and the field. We have structured our sessions for participants to interact and learn from each other in smaller group settings. Please join us to be in conversation with your colleagues and discuss how we move our field forward.

Questions: catesol@catesol.org

Day 1: Saturday, April 23


Conference Center Check-in

CATESOL President Anthony Burik

  • Welcome
  • Orientation to Day 1
  • Links to today's session rooms

Looking at the Future of TESOL from Different Lenses and Perspectives

Hosted by Bay Area Chapter #catesolba

Experts who are coming from different backgrounds/concentrations in the TESOL field are excited to share their experiences and concerns in the Non-credit, EFL, ELL population in high school, language schools, and community college. Panelists will discuss the future of TESOL in these areas and share some insights on how to accommodate the needs of ESOL teachers and ELL students who are coming to the classroom with various needs. In this interactive session, we are expecting the participation of the audience and sharing their experiences, concerns, and questions with the whole group.  


Didem Ekici

Didem Ekici is an ESOL instructor and department co-chair in College of Alameda. She has 17 years of experience in the field as a teacher and a researcher. Her doctoral dissertation was on developing intercultural competence through online language teaching. Didem currently serves as the CATESOL Bay Area Chapter Coordinator. 

Glen Ryan Alejandro

Glen Ryan Alejandro is an English teacher to newcomers at Oakland Unified School District. He has 26 years of teaching experience in various settings, including a private university in San Francisco and language schools in the US and the Philippines. Currently, Glen serves on the CATESOL Bay Area Chapter Board.

Merve Beyazit Taner

Merve Beyazit Taner is progressing towards the end of her MA TESOL degree at the University of San Francisco. She has experience in teaching English at K-12 and college-level. She also served as Chief Curriculum Officer. She has a MA in Marketing Communication and BA degrees in teaching German and English.

Guillermo Campos

Guillermo Campos currently teaches ESL at English Language Institute in San Francisco. He has been in the profession for 16 years, 9 of those years teaching in Japan in universities and corporations. His teaching interests lie in business English and currently teaches the Business English for Entrepreneurs program at ELI.

Emma Donnelly

Emma Donnelly is a non-credit TESOL instructor at Merritt College in Oakland. Her background includes teaching ESOL in West Africa, Turkey, China, and many colleges around the Bay Area. For the past four years, Emma has developed special expertise teaching basic beginning non-credit ESOL across all modalities. 


English Language Learners and the Digital Divide

Hosted by Bay Area Chapter #catesolba

This session will present a framework for understanding the digital divide. During the explanation of the digital divide framework, she will share examples from Oakland, OUSD, and Castlemont High School contexts/environment and how the digital divide is being addressed to bring equitable opportunities for students. We are hoping the audience will get inspired to address the digital divide in their own communities by the end of this session. 


Jen Bender
Jen Bender is a Teacher on Special Assignment at Castlemont High School in Oakland Unified, where she oversees retention and new teacher support, professional development, and all things technology related. She began her career teaching English in the Peace Corps, Armenia. She has almost 20 years in Bay Area public education.

What Do Students Need? The Evolution of English Language Learning Online

Hosted by the Online Teaching Interest Group (OT-IG) #catesolot

Denise Maduli-Williams and Dr. Dayamudra Dennehy

Online learning in English language teaching and learning is constantly evolving and students are at the forefront of this process. This presentation will explore the changing face of online learning, touching upon asynchronous and synchronous models in noncredit and credit ESOL. Participants' experiences will be encouraged as we all reflect on the possible implications for English language teachers and for education institutions as we move into a new "normal" which incorporates a variety of online learning modalities.


Denise Maduli-Williams

Denise Maduli-Williams has taught English in various settings, including a California prison, a village in Peace Corps, Botswana, and in New York City public high schools. She finally found her home in community colleges. Currently, she is the Online Accessibility Mentor and an Associate Professor at San Diego Miramar College.

Dayamudra Ann Dennehy

Dr. Dayamudra Ann Dennehy teaches ESL in the Credit, Non-Credit, and Vocational programs, face-to-face and online, at City College of San Francisco. She also serves as the colleges' Distance Education Coordinator. She holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership, with a focus on Equity and Social Justice, from San Francisco State University.

12:00-1:00 pm


On your own


Talking about Ethics: Instructors’ Knowledgebase and Beliefs Underlying Second Language Pronunciation

Hosted by the Teaching of Pronunciation Interest Group (TOP-IG) #catesoltop

Dr. Jennifer Foote and Dr. Ron Thomson

What do instructors and programs need to consider when making ethical choices in the classroom? This workshop will address this issue with a focus on second language pronunciation. Participants will have a chance to reflect on their own beliefs and knowledgebase around second language pronunciation through engaging activities and discussion groups. They will also learn how their own beliefs and understanding of pronunciation and ethics compare to research results from a survey of second language instructors and speech language pathologists across The United States and Canada.

This data will be discussed in light of a set of ethical guidelines for pronunciation instruction, which were developed from a review of related research, as well as ethics and standards documents developed by professional associations for both language instructors and speech language pathologists. The workshop will conclude with factors that instructors and program providers may want to consider to ensure pronunciation instruction for second language learners is provided as ethically as possible.


Jenn Foote

Dr. Jennifer A. Foote is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada. Her research interests include instructor and learner beliefs around second language pronunciation and exploring issues around ethics in pronunciation instruction. She is passionate about connecting research to practice.

Dr. Ron Thomson is Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESL at Brock University, Canada. His research focuses on the development of L2 pronunciation and fluency, listener responses to foreign-accented speech, and ethical practice in pronunciation instruction. Dr. Thomson is also known for his work in computer-mediated pronunciation instruction.


Continuing Our DEI Work 

Hosted by Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) @catesoldei

In the wake of George Floyd's murder in 2020, CATESOL made the decision to make Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (or DEI) a priority for our organization. We've taken a number of DEI-inspired steps since then as new local and national challenges have arisen - for example, the January 6 insurrection and the increase in violence against Asian-Americans during 2021 - but we also know that we have more to do to make CATESOL a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive membership association. In this session, we'll review work to date and explore how to continue the work, especially as it relates to CATESOL's mission of "advancing the quality of English language teaching and learning through professional development, research, standards, and advocacy."


Dr. Nancy Kwang Johnson is CATESOL DEI Chair, Social Media Coordinator, Los Padres Chapter Professional Development Coordinator, and CATESOL Education Foundation President. She helped initiate the Refugee Concerns, LGBTQ+, and USC Interest Groups. She‘s done International Program Administration, Curriculum Design, and Teacher Training in Albania, Canada, France, Senegal, Serbia, and the U.S.


CATESOL President Anthony Burik

  • Opportunity drawing - prizes - You must be present to win!
  • Evaluation
  • Closing remarks

Day 2: Saturday, April 30


Conference Center Check-in

CATESOL President Anthony Burik

  • Welcome
  • Orientation to Day 2
  • Links to today's session rooms

Career Development Mixer

Hosted by the Orange County Chapter #catesoloc

The CATESOL Orange County Chapter will host an interactive session on the topic of career development. During this session, attendees will get a chance to participate in three moderated breakout sessions on different topics related to professional growth and advancement. Topics will include the following:

1: The Application Process
2: Interviews
3: Remarketing Your Skills (Jobs Outside of Teaching)
4: Materials Development and Publishing
5: Working Abroad
6: Professional Growth
7: Online Education

Each breakout room conversation will be facilitated by an educator knowledgeable in the given subject, and participants will be able to choose which breakout rooms to enter. 


Kristin Armstrong

Kristin Armstrong came back to California after 7 years in Japan and is currently a graduate student studying TESOL at Cal State Fullerton. They are an alumnus of the Japan Exchange Teaching (JET) Program and also have experience being employed by dispatch companies and directly through a Board of Education.

MG Espinoza

Maria Guadalupe Espinoza has an MA in Education/TESOL. She has taught ESL/EFL courses in the US and in Mexico.  She has been an online ESL instructor since 2010.  She has been an active member of MEXTESOL and CATESOL since 1985. She is a faculty member of CSULB, CSUF and NOCE.  

Richard Gray

Richard Gray has nearly 15 years of teaching experience both abroad and in California. In Japan and Korea, Richard has taught at private language institutions and kindergarten. Now, Richard is teaching a wide variety of online and in-person classes at North Orange Continuing Education, Irvine Valley College, and Riverside City College.

Rob Jenkins

Rob Jenkins is an ESL author, consultant, and presenter. He is a retired faculty member from Santa Ana College where he taught ESL for 27 years and served as the faculty development coordinator for 20. Rob is the co-author of the Stand Out series, and various other adult education textbooks.

John Liang

John Liang is professor in the School of Education at Biola University, where he also serves as chair of the undergraduate and graduate TESOL programs. His research and teaching interests include pedagogical English grammar, language assessment, ESL materials, second language reading and writing pedagogy, and technology enhanced language learning.

Alice Lin

Alice Lin has taught ESL for 20 years in Hawaii, California, and Japan. She graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a Master's degree in ESL and from UC Berkeley with a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics.  She currently teaches in the AESL program at IVC and has served on a full-time hiring committee.

 Christie Newcomb

Christie Newcomb is an English instructor turned business project manager. After teaching for several years, she was ready for a career change. After remarketing her skills, she has since worked in various positions in the education industry. She now counsels instructors interested in re-branding their skill set to pivot careers

 Christie Newcomb

Femia Scarfone, Ed.D Educational Leadership and M.S. TESOL, California State University, Fullerton, is a tenured professor at Saddleback College where she teaches advanced-level courses in all skills of ESL. She has been an active member of CATESOL since 2009 and has presented at several conferences for TESOL and CATESOL.



On your own


Words to Know: Creating Glossaries of Key Vocabulary from Course Texts

Co-hosted by the Corpus-informed Research and Teaching Interest Group (CIRT-IG) @catesolcirt and the Materials Writers Interest Group (MW-IG) @catesolmw

How can instructors highlight the key terms students need to understand from lectures, textbooks, videos, and other course materials and then use those terms effectively in their own speaking and writing? In this hands-on workshop, presenters will guide participants through the steps to create a glossary of key terms and their grammatical and lexical patterns. Participants have the option to use their own texts (oral or written) or sample texts provided by the presenters to carry out the steps and leave the workshop with a classroom-ready glossary. No prior experience working with corpora is needed.


Nicole Brun-Mercer
Dr. Nicole Brun-Mercer, Applied Linguistics, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff is Associate Director of English Language Support Programs at Boise State University. She serves as CATESOL Material Writers Interest Group Co-coordinator and Corpus-Informed Research and Teaching IG Co-assistant Coordinator. She publishes and presents on materials development, corpus linguistics, lexicogrammar, reading, and composition
Margi Wald
Margi Wald teaches multilingual student writers at UC Berkeley and directs the Summer English Language Studies program. She co-edits The CATESOL Journal and serves on CATESOL's conference committees. She researches corpus-based materials for academic literacy development among immigrant and international ESL students. Her publications include Exploring Options in Academic Writing: Effective Vocabulary and Grammar.

Google Jamboard Tips and Tricks

Hosted by the Technology Enhanced Language Learning Interest Group (TELL-IG) #catesoltell

Google Jamboard is gaining popularity in the educational environment with its interactive, collaborative possibilities. Whether teaching remotely or face-to-face, enhance your lessons with this digital whiteboard that is ideal for brainstorming, vocabulary building, check-ins, reporting, and much more. Participants learn tips and tricks and experience fun, efficient ways to create and post on Google Jamboards.


Cindy Wislofsky
Cindy Wislofsky is a Subject Matter Expert for Outreach & Technical Assistance Network (OTAN) focusing on ways to integrate Google applications into lessons. Previously, she taught adult ESL in the San Diego Community College District. She served as ESL Department Chair for 15 years and ESL Technology Coordinator for 12 years.

Writing Up Your Action Research for Publication

Hosted by Research Writing Interest Group (RW-IG) #catesolrw

The session examines key principles in action research design, followed by collaborative activities to explore examples of action research with regard to rationale for the form of data collection and data analysis chosen. Resources and venues for publication are shared.


Kara Mac Donalc
Dr. Kara Mac Donald is an Associate Professor at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA. She conducts pre-service and in-service faculty training and offers academic support to students. She maintains a close connection to the English language classroom through ELT associations and part-time instruction. She is CATESOL Newsletter Editor and Chapter Council Chair.
Sonia Estima

Dr. Sonia Estima is an Associate Professor at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA, and currently serves as an Academic Specialist, where she supervises the Faculty Development and Immersion programs, helping teachers with pedagogy and also as writers and professionals. With Kara Mac Donald, Sonia is Co-coordinator of the CATESOL Research Writing Interest Group.


CATESOL President Anthony Burik

  • Opportunity drawing - prizes You must be present to win!
  • Evaluation
  • Closing remarks