Professional Development, M-W IG, and Student Engagement
CATESOL Newsletter


CATESOL Newsletter - Volume 53, Issue 10 

This past October 8-11, CATESOL hosted its state conference online, featuring several keynote speakers, presentations, work-shops, exhibits, and networking opportunities. Themed around the idea of resiliency, CATESOL has offered many opportunities for professional development as schools, colleges, and universities were forced to shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

CATESOL Board Members and affiliates worked tirelessly together in planning, executing, and hosting a successful virtual conference this year and CATESOL would like to take this opportunity to ex-press its gratitude to all who have supported this organization dur-ing these unprecedented times.

Special thanks to Amy Pascucci and Margi Wald, CATESOL State Conference 2020 Co-Chairs for their work on putting on a fantastic, timely, and memorable conference for all.


CATESOL Newsletter - Professional Development, M-W IG, and Student Engagement